Camera 360°
We wanted to get away from the usual utilitarianism and added a touch. Thus, the concept of "acorn" has appeared.
Each of four cameras looks in its direction and then an image digitally stitches together. There also is a rotary camera so the operator could increase the selected image area. There are four washers and rotary dome installed for self-cleaning.
We've taken a donor camera and disassembled it to measure all the parts that we wanted to use in our prototype.
Building the prototype
A transparent dome was made by vacuum forming and other parts are machined with plastic.
Then our customer went for thinking and returned after a few month later for a second step with a new ideas. We started to build a new camera 360°. Here are some of his ideas:
• customer likes low-poly form and he asked us to keep it;
• there shoud be no more transparent dome because of a cost of a rotating mechanism;
• new prototype should has four full-working washers to check their work;
• camera should be ready to be mounted on a street.
Dome variations

Development of a panoramic video surveillance system with the ability to collect and further process analytical information.
Main features of the camera:
1) Weatherproof and all-weather outdoor video surveillance camera with panoramic view; 2) It has a high image quality, sufficient for recognizing faces and numbers of cars during daylight, and images in the dark (depending on the location of installation);
3) Design of the camera ensures fast installation in any locations;
4) A case of the camera is made of materials resistant to sunlight, reagents and chemicals;
5) The protective screens of the case are made of impact-resistant glass;
6) Built-in system for washing screens minimizes of maintenance of the camera;
7) Ability to view a 360° image online or in a record, including VR glasses;
8) Various functions of video analytics (depending on the tasks - recognition, tracking, reading numbers, highlighting people, detecting traffic).
The manufacturing process
The body was made by vacuum forming method. First, technological form was milled with MDF, then finished, after which the plastic has molded. We used 3mm thick ABS plastic, after molding its thickness decreased to about 2 mm.
Design by Dmitry Sergeev
Project year: 2017
Location: Moscow, Russia

Camera 360°

Camera 360°

Development of a panoramic video surveillance system with the ability to collect and further process analytical information.
